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    The 21st-century pepper traders launched their company in 2011, at the St Nicholas Market in Bristol. 'It went really well,’ Alcott says. 'That’s why we carried on. We had 50kg of each pepper and we sold out. Our aim is to make it easier for people to get hold of good pepper – we’d like what happened to olive oil to happen to pepper. And then we want to expand, produce some pepper teas or pepper dumplings.’ They already contribute to a pepper and fig sourdough for Mark’s Bakery in Bristol – a treat for those lucky enough to live in the vicinity.
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    A production run of eight was chosen as “a car built in eight units can be as rare as a one-off, but the passion is shared between people, adds value, and confirms you made a good choice,” according to Mancardi, but he isn’t fussed if all are sold. “We’ll only build what we sell, and can be well off from one unit,” he adds.
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    "How the FOMC respond to the 100 basis point rise inmortgage rates since tapering talk emerged and the subsequentslowing of the U.S. housing market will be studied for cluesabout future steps of policy," he said.
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    Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand said Tuesday that a suspect, 20-year-old Matthew Flugence, was being sought in the death of the girl, Ahlittia (UH-lih-tee-uh) North, and in an unrelated sexual battery case involving another child earlier this year. Normand said the suspect's brother, 21-year-old Russell Flugence, was arrested and booked Tuesday with obstruction of justice for allegedly withholding information about the case.
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    Dominating the proceedings yesterday evening was the Bolshoi’s supermodel-among-principals, Svetlana Zakharova. A world-class technician with line, lyricism and lightness (and even, if you’ll forgive a fourth “l”, looks), but also astoundingly fast when she needs to be, she served up a ravishingly poetic Odette, though failed to find the polar opposite in her Odile. The latter looked like a good-time gal having a ball, not a nasty piece of work on a romantic search-and-destroy mission: a starker, more internally felt and externally realised contrast is needed here.
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    New York Fed President William Dudley, in an interview onCNBC on Tuesday, defended the central bank's surprise decisionlast week to refrain from tapering its stimulus because the U.S.economy was weaker than the Fed thought in June. Dudley, a knowndove, said he "wouldn't rule out" a stimulus reduction laterthis year.
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    Knowing the chances were slim, Niuniu’s parents committed to the treatment with 100% faith. Yan quit her job in Yancheng, Jiangsu province, and took her son to Shanghai for better medical services in early 2013. They rented a 10-square-meter small apartment near the hospital, and since then have been rushing between the two places. Niuniu’s father, who used to own a small company in Yancheng, recently sold the company in order to pay the bills. He was still taking some jobs in their hometown to make ends meet, but whenever he had a chance he would go to Shanghai to help his wife. “Nowadays, people just cannot afford to get sick” Yan said as she chatted with other patients’ relatives in the hospital. Before Niuniu fell ill, they were a happy upper-middle class family. But now the estimated cost for the entire treatment is over 300,000 yuan (48,991 USD), and the insurance can only cover as much as 80,000 yuan (13,064 USD). A huge financial burden, restless nights while taking care of Niuniu and mental anguish – none of this matters to Yan. “Nothing is worse than seeing my son suffer everyday,” Yan said. “I would rather myself being sick.”
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    Brokerage Credit Suisse upgraded the Finnish mobile phonemaker's Helsinki-listed shares to "outperform" from "neutral",saying its transformative deal with Microsoft Corp allows it to drive significant value creation from its vastpatent portfolio.
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    That's not how wireless service works. If a company wants to offer service in the Washington area, for example, it has to acquire spectrum and build towers here. A German wireless company can't put its great wireless service in a box and ship it to the United States. And that means that the average American will never have as many options for wireless Internet access as she does for smartphones.
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    "We look at the Atlantic margin as a whole," BP spokesmanRobert Wine said. "If you look at Angola and Namibia then youcan see a geological mirror to Brazil and Uruguay ... Morocco isobviously a bit further north."
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    BRUSSELS, July 9 (Reuters) - Germany's finance minister onTuesday called for a ban on the so-called "patent box" tax breakoffered by Britain, Netherlands and some other bloc memberswhich he says results in unfair competition for foreigninvestment.
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    ISAIAH WASHINGTON: I have shot no one, I have hurt no one. I haven't spent one day in jail in the last six years. I haven't been in any rehab or busted for drugs. And there are many other people in Hollywood who have and they still get the pass, so I'm fine with me. My wife, my three kids. When I walk in the door my child hugs me and we have a great life. So, that's my answer.
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    In addition, funding from Greece's bailout ends in 2014, but Athens' assertion that it could start tapping the bond markets from next year to tackle its future funding needs have appeared premature since yields soared in June.
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  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:50:35 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:50:36 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:50:37 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:50:53 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:13 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • -1 OR 2+403-403-1=0+0+0+1 -- am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:14 schrieb -1 OR 2+403-403-1=0+0+0+1 --:

  • -1 OR 3+403-403-1=0+0+0+1 -- am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:15 schrieb -1 OR 3+403-403-1=0+0+0+1 --:

  • -1 OR 2+385-385-1=0+0+0+1 am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:16 schrieb -1 OR 2+385-385-1=0+0+0+1:

  • -1 OR 3+385-385-1=0+0+0+1 am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:17 schrieb -1 OR 3+385-385-1=0+0+0+1:

  • -1' OR 2+597-597-1=0+0+0+1 -- am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:18 schrieb -1' OR 2+597-597-1=0+0+0+1 --:

  • -1' OR 3+597-597-1=0+0+0+1 -- am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:19 schrieb -1' OR 3+597-597-1=0+0+0+1 --:

  • -1' OR 2+913-913-1=0+0+0+1 or 'dYkjcgw0'=' am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:20 schrieb -1' OR 2+913-913-1=0+0+0+1 or 'dYkjcgw0'=':

  • -1' OR 3+913-913-1=0+0+0+1 or 'dYkjcgw0'=' am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:21 schrieb -1' OR 3+913-913-1=0+0+0+1 or 'dYkjcgw0'=':

  • -1" OR 2+332-332-1=0+0+0+1 -- am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:22 schrieb -1" OR 2+332-332-1=0+0+0+1 --:

  • -1" OR 3+332-332-1=0+0+0+1 -- am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:23 schrieb -1" OR 3+332-332-1=0+0+0+1 --:

  • if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0) am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:40 schrieb if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0):

  • 0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z am 2024-Jun-20 23:51:57 schrieb 0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z:

  • 0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z am 2024-Jun-20 23:52:13 schrieb 0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z:

  • (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/ am 2024-Jun-20 23:52:27 schrieb (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/:

  • 1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- am 2024-Jun-20 23:52:43 schrieb 1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:52:46 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • PCl4PuQQ'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- am 2024-Jun-20 23:52:56 schrieb PCl4PuQQ'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:01 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:02 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1 OR 2+887-887-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:03 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1 OR 3+887-887-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:04 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1 OR 2+367-367-1=0+0+0+1
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:06 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1 OR 3+367-367-1=0+0+0+1
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:07 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1' OR 2+170-170-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:08 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1' OR 3+170-170-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:09 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1' OR 2+367-367-1=0+0+0+1 or 'mvh61MHo'='
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:10 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1' OR 3+367-367-1=0+0+0+1 or 'mvh61MHo'='
  • wtcvo4Ik' OR 809=(SELECT 809 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:10 schrieb wtcvo4Ik' OR 809=(SELECT 809 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:11 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1" OR 2+418-418-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:12 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1" OR 3+418-418-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • yNSXuvuq') OR 891=(SELECT 891 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:23 schrieb yNSXuvuq') OR 891=(SELECT 891 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:24 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • wTlZxMFA')) OR 345=(SELECT 345 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:39 schrieb wTlZxMFA')) OR 345=(SELECT 345 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:53:40 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||' am 2024-Jun-20 23:54:00 schrieb lxbfYeaa'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||':

  • 1'" am 2024-Jun-20 23:54:01 schrieb 1'":

  • 1%2527%2522 am 2024-Jun-20 23:54:02 schrieb 1%2527%2522:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:54:02 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • @@zClHw am 2024-Jun-20 23:54:03 schrieb @@zClHw:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:54:23 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:54:24 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:54:44 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:54:45 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:55:08 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:55:31 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:55:53 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    XTZ69MoZ'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:56:15 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -5 OR 548=(SELECT 548 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:56:38 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -5) OR 295=(SELECT 295 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:57:00 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1)) OR 79=(SELECT 79 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:57:24 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    9PgRUeHD' OR 255=(SELECT 255 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:57:41 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    whMz1JCm') OR 261=(SELECT 261 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:58:00 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    STW6cXKD')) OR 490=(SELECT 490 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:58:22 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:58:44 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:58:45 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:58:48 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:58:49 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:59:06 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:59:24 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:59:26 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:59:27 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:59:28 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:59:29 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:59:30 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-20 23:59:48 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:00:05 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:00:23 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:00:41 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:01:00 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:01:16 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:01:31 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:01:52 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:02:11 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:02:30 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:02:50 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:03:13 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:03:35 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:03:55 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:04:17 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:04:34 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:04:35 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:04:36 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:04:37 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:24:27 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:24:27 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • CXcdUmFD'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- am 2024-Jun-21 00:43:21 schrieb CXcdUmFD'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --:

  • eR7UEgC8' OR 498=(SELECT 498 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- am 2024-Jun-21 00:43:46 schrieb eR7UEgC8' OR 498=(SELECT 498 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--:

  • 6aGrWSWS') OR 976=(SELECT 976 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- am 2024-Jun-21 00:44:12 schrieb 6aGrWSWS') OR 976=(SELECT 976 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--:

  • 6LoHxeP8')) OR 893=(SELECT 893 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- am 2024-Jun-21 00:44:38 schrieb 6LoHxeP8')) OR 893=(SELECT 893 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--:

  • lxbfYeaa'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||' am 2024-Jun-21 00:45:02 schrieb lxbfYeaa'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||':

  • 1'" am 2024-Jun-21 00:45:04 schrieb 1'":

  • 1%2527%2522 am 2024-Jun-21 00:45:05 schrieb 1%2527%2522:

  • @@tM5Jc am 2024-Jun-21 00:45:06 schrieb @@tM5Jc:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:45:27 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:45:51 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:49:14 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:49:29 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:15 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:31 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:32 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1 OR 2+511-511-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:33 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1 OR 3+511-511-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:35 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1 OR 2+777-777-1=0+0+0+1
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:36 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1 OR 3+777-777-1=0+0+0+1
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:37 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1' OR 2+706-706-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:38 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1' OR 3+706-706-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:39 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1' OR 2+503-503-1=0+0+0+1 or 'Rd6pBSmJ'='
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:40 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1' OR 3+503-503-1=0+0+0+1 or 'Rd6pBSmJ'='
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:41 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1" OR 2+523-523-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:42 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1" OR 3+523-523-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:52:52 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:53:09 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:53:25 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:53:41 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:53:54 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:54:09 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:54:23 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:54:39 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    D1LNwTMH'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:54:53 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -5 OR 314=(SELECT 314 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:55:09 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -5) OR 769=(SELECT 769 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:55:25 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    -1)) OR 20=(SELECT 20 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:55:39 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    MEqUryib' OR 945=(SELECT 945 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:55:55 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    qU2kUTIC') OR 492=(SELECT 492 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:56:11 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

    XqWSuBik')) OR 278=(SELECT 278 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:56:22 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:56:36 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:56:37 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:56:38 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:56:39 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:56:54 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:57:09 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:57:10 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:57:11 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:57:12 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:57:13 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:57:14 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:57:29 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:57:43 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:57:58 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:58:13 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:58:28 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:58:44 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:58:57 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:59:11 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:59:28 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:59:42 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 00:59:58 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 01:00:12 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 01:00:30 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 01:00:43 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 01:01:01 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 01:01:14 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 01:01:15 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 01:01:16 schrieb lxbfYeaa:

  • lxbfYeaa am 2024-Jun-21 01:01:17 schrieb lxbfYeaa:



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